Jaggers Padda

Manchester to London - 2025

My Activity Tracking


My target 220 mi

Support the challenge!

What are we doing? 

On Sunday, 22 June 2025, I'll be cycling 355km from Manchester to London. That's right, while most sane people will be asleep, I'll be pedalling through the countryside, leaving my knees and lycra-clad dignity behind.


I'm raising funds for Ambitious about Autism, a charity that stands with autistic children and young people. They champion rights, campaign for change and create opportunities for autistic young people and their families. Which sounds a lot more heroic than what I'll be doing: noodling down the A5 with a stomach full of sweeties.

More information about Ambitious About Autism can be found here: https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/

Instead of reiterating too much verbiage, I'll share two facts and a myth about autism as well as two places the donations will go.

Facts and myth: 

  1. Interests. People with ASD may have intense interests in certain topics, such as music, history, or TV programs
  2. Sensory PerceptionsPeople with autism may experience sensory input differently. Some may be hypersensitive to sounds, textures, or lights, while others may seek sensory input, such as through repetitive movements.
  3. Empathy Myth. A common misconception is that autistic people lack empathy. In reality, many experience deep emotional empathy but may express or perceive emotions differently.


  1. Training courses, for parents, carers, educators and employers. Ambitious about Autism is one of nine not-for-profit organisations that make up Autism Central. The project provides parents and carers of autistic people free and easy access to autism education, training and support. 
  2. Education campaigns, like the "Written Off" campaign attempt to address the problem with the SEND system (Special educational needs and disabilities). An extract from the report "Autistic young people are twice as likely to be excluded from school than their peers. Less than half say they are happy in school and only 20 achieve grade 5 or above in English and maths GCSE's, compared to 52% of all pupils". See more and the report here: www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/what-we-do/policy-and-campaigns/campaigns/education/written-off

To be clear all donations will be going to the charity, not funding my ride.

I've not done a fundraiser like this before... Perhaps 
i'll bake something? I don't know. Regardless, please support my ill-prepared shenanigans. I'll dress like a dork and you'll donate to a great cause. Deal?

My Achievements

Shared page


Added a profile pic

Added a blog post

Received 10 donations

25% fundraising target

50% fundraising target

Fundraising target reached

50% distance target reached

Challenge complete!

Thank you to my Sponsors



Good luck! Your effort to raise awareness and funds for autism is truly inspiring. Wishing you strong legs (bag boiz), clear skies, and smooth ride every kilo-meter of the way. You've got this!



Good luck JJ! You’ll smash it x


Somsri Kasemgul

Be an unstoppable. I have every confidence that you can achieve it Jagger. All the best for fund raising. ❤️❤️❤️


Connor Kenyon


Rosanne Aylott

Go on Jaggers love the Aylotts x x



Great cause - Go Jaggers!








From Jaggers to Jaggers


Nathan And Amy

Hope you reach your goal! Love Amy and Nathan


Asa Miller

Good Luck!