Clifford Medley

Manchester to London - 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 220 mi

Please support my Ambitious challenge!

I’m taking part in the Rapha Ambitious Manchester to London bike ride. I will be taking on 220 miles in one day on Sunday 23 June and leaving my limits behind to raise funds for Ambitious about Autism.

Ambitious about Autism want to help create a world where autistic children and young people are heard, included and supported. Please donate to support my challenge. Thank you so much!

My Achievements

Shared page


Added a profile pic

Added a blog post

Received 10 donations

25% fundraising target

50% fundraising target

Fundraising target reached

50% distance target reached

Challenge complete!

My Updates

Final long practice ride through Lincolnshire.

Wednesday 12th Jun
My final long training ride turned out to be quite a challenge mainly due to the wind seemingly being in my face whatever direction I was travelling in. The later start didn't help either meaning I only managed 175km and didn't finish until 7pm. A fairly mundane week with easy training so far and a final 100km ride at the weekend will hopefully leave me feeling ready for the 23rd. Some not helpful news in that my Etape challenge ride which was on the 7th July has been changed by Emanuel Macrons election to the 6th. Fortunately, I can stll do it, it will be a rush on the Friday to prepare for the race on Saturday but, should be okay. A day less to recover after M2L may not be. I know I keep saying it but thank you again for the support.

The route

Monday 27th May

The medals

Monday 27th May
Another nice memento of the day.

Ride London ticked off

Monday 27th May
A wet cold start at 6am for Ride London didn't detract from a great days riding along with 25000 other people. It was a challenging tough start with riders strewn all over the road and puncture repairs galore for many throughout the day. It was another strong ride for me a great training day and the fourth 160km plus ride in as many weeks. Thanks to Leo for supporting me for 100km. My fastest 100 mile ride and worth getting up at 4.30am for. Please share as widely as possible and help me reach my target.

Ride London next up!

Friday 24th May
Training continues towards M2L @Ambitious about Autism #M2L with a cycle around Essex and finish on Tower bridge. Ride London awaits on Sunday for me and 24999 other people. Please if you haven't already donated, even the smallest amount would be a great help and much appreciated. Your support keeps my legs turning when the going gets tough!

Struggle Dales it was what it said on the tin 'A struggle'

Sunday 19th May
My hardest day on bike so far. About 5km of actual flat all day 18 climbs and at leaat twice as many again not even labelled as climbs. Over 3000m of ascent over 166km. Highlight of the day pork pie and HP sauce and a can of coke at feed 3, oh how I needed that.


Sunday 12th May

Lincoln GP in the bag

Sunday 12th May
A really long ride on a really hot day finished with decent time 5hrs 51min which was over an hour quicker than last year. Plus to honest I quite enjoyed Michaelgate at the end. Many thanks to Leo, Jon and Liam for the support on the day. Plus great to have a beer after and watch the Pros doing their practice laps for today proper race.

Longest ride so far

Monday 6th May
Felt good for the first half went quite quick but, didn't stop until 100km. Which was a mistake. Next 50 was tough over the wolds, I think because I didn't quite have enough water leading up to the 100km stop. I started feeling better once past Tealby and a coffee. No real after effects except shoulders aching, so a good day overall.

The May training challenge starts

Wednesday 1st May
This month is the big build up to the M2L in June involving the following rides:
4th May - 214km 1500m of ascent Lincolnshire Wolds
11th May - Lincoln GP 160km 1000m of ascent around Lincolnshire.
19th May - The Struggle Dales - 175km 2800m of ascent across the Yorkshire dales.
26th May - Ride London 160km 1100m of ascent.

As you can see its going to be a busy month along with gym work during the week.

Todays training ride

Sunday 21st Apr
The next installment of my training plan involved a 106km 2200m ride around the Lake District. This year I shaved 1hr 20mins off last years time. Plus I went through the 200w barrier for the ride for the first time managing an average of 202W over the whole ride. So pretty pleased with the result. This year also saw me come in 185th out of 349 riders, which for me is a great result. Thank you all again for the donations and the support.

ITP Startline Leicestershire

Tuesday 16th Apr
This weeks ride was a Fondo with 750m of ascent roughly. My best ride ever, good pace and power and a great precursor to next weekends Lakeland loop. Training is going well and feeling stronger every week. 

ITP Startline Leicestershire

Tuesday 16th Apr

Next stage in my build up

Saturday 24th Feb
Today Lincolnshires hardest 100km with 1500m of ascent started at 8am with a cold foggy morning in the wolds. First 35km was freezing, roada were wet, gravelly and potholed. However, the day got warmer the Sun came out and route was spectacular in places. Lots of PRs and a new FTP set meant the cold start was worth it. Feeling stronger ans stronger and getting over the medical issues I had in the latter part of last year. 

My current training plan.

Monday 5th Feb
I have planned my build up to M2L on 23rd June and as well as mid week training here is a list of the rides I wll attempt in the build up.

10th March - big surrey hills day
17th March - TBD
24th March - rapha training ride? London
31st March - Lincolns hardest 100km 1200m
7th April - TBD
14th April - ITP Leicestershire
21st April - lakeland loop - 115km 2000m
28th April - The Strines - 88km and 2000m
5th May - Tour de Manc or Lincoln to London?
12th May - Newark Castle sportive 165km fairly flat
19th May - Struggle Dales 175km
26th May - RideLondon 160km
2nd June - The Grange Spa Sportive Sleaford 140km 1500m
9th June - Lincolns hardest 100km 1200m
16th June - TBD
23rd June - M2L

It's not a complete list but, a good start. 

My plan for 2024

Sunday 31st Dec
This is my current plan for the 2024 build up to the. M2L ride for Ambitious about Autism. Mixed in with that will be much spinning, wattbike work and core fitness training. I am hoping this will see me through the challenge. Please support me with as much or as little as you can and help me raise at least the £1000 I need before the 23rd June 2024. Then track me on the day and see how I do. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Control Tech (lincoln) Ltd

Good Luck Cliff - Everyone at Control Tech


Caroline May

Great work Cliff and Leo- cracking effort.





May your handlebars forever point you forwards, and your tyres never flatten. Best of luck matey, pedal well, pedal safe


Linda Rooke

This donation is from myself and my friend Val


Linda Leyland

Good cause Cliff - amazing what you are doing - keep going


Julie Brooke

A very worthy cause Clifford. Good look to you.



Good Luck!


Brian Tynan

Good luck with the challenge and the fundraising Cliff. Great cause 👏



What an excellent achievement and fantastic cause. Well done!


Linda Rooke

This donation came from the chair group I run (MAGIC) movement and games in chairs.


Dawn Andrews

Good luck from Dawn x



Good luck Cliff🤞💪 your a legend 😊 xx


Joe Mcconnell

Smash it Cliff


Sarah Dring

Go cliffy!


Gina Moir


Stephen Martin

Good Luck


Julie Brown

Good luck Julie👍


Sam Clover

You are a star Cliff.


Julie Edwards

Good luck cliff.


Fraser Handsley

Good luck Cliff you crazy loon! Great cause


Emma Jones

Good luck Cliff 😻 xx